Documenting Sources

Poster Sample

"The hostile situation between the Japanese army and the Hong Kong Forces on the bridge at Lo Wu" ("History in Pictures").

Back of Poster

Works Cited

โ€œHistory in Pictures: The Japanese Occupation.โ€ Hong Kong Government Records Service, 2019, Accessed 24 Feb. 2022.

Images on a Poster

  1. Find images from a reliable source when possible (e.g. Archive, Museum, Library, Book, Newspaper).

  2. Find the original source of images by clicking a link if provided, or use google reverse image search.

  3. Include a caption below your image (Title of image or description of image) with an in-text citation. No need to use Fig. 1 on a poster, though you do need to include this in a report or essay.

  4. Make sure there there is enough information so that anyone reading your poster can easily find the original image that you have used.

  5. Include your works cited page on the back of your poster.

Last updated