🤖AI Search Tools


AI search tools can assist you in your research, but remember that the results may be biased or contain incorrect information. Use your lateral reading skills to verify that that information is correct, and click through to the original sources rather than citing what the AI tool produces.

Note that:

  • current AI models are prone to hallucinations

  • sources may be hallucinations

  • sources may be correct but quotes may be hallucinated

Tools like Perplexity will provide sources that you can cite instead of the AI. Note that these are not always reliable sources, so you will also need to use your information literacy skills and lateral reading to evaluate these. In the example below, you could click on the HKPL (Hong Kong Public Library) link for more reliable information.

Works Cited

"Tell Me about the Occupation of Hong Kong during WW2. Provide 3 academic sources". Bing Chat, Microsoft, 27 Mar. 2023, sl.bing.net/cGtdtGHl8zk.

AI Research Tools


Literature Review



Research Rabbit

Connected Papers

Chat PDF - Upload an academic article and ask it questions




Scholarcy - Article summarizer with flashcards

Last updated