🤔Choosing a Subject & Topic

First Steps

Are you feeling uncertain and anxious about choosing a subject and topic? You're not alone; in fact this has actually been demonstrated through research (Kuhlthau). that you will feel

(Uncertainty 😕 🤷 >> Optimism 🤔 🚀 >> Confusion & Frustration 😰 đŸ˜ĩ‍đŸ’Ģ đŸ¤¯ >> Clarity 🧐 💡 >> Confidence 😌 >> Satisfaction 😅 😊 đŸ’Ē )

Start by understanding the task: Read the ee website, and guide. Look at the Rubric and understand what the assessment consists of. Add key dates to your calendar. Read the relevant section of the EE Guide (for your subject). Read the VSA ee subject guide.

The first step when beginning your EE journey is to choose a subject that:

  • You genuinely enjoy studying

  • You'd like to continue exploring at university level

  • You've been performing well in academically. Are taking at HL level?

â€ĸ Once you've identified a subject:

  • Reflect on specific topic areas within it that interest you

  • Consider themes or periods that have sparked your curiosity

  • Think about aspects of the subject that you find particularly engaging

  • What are you passionate about?

Your topic may be quite broad at this stage, but you will start to focus it more as you do some preliminary reading and start to develop a research question.

I'm totally stuck. How can I find some interesting topic ideas?


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